Tag: Cramlington Learning Village

Shanklea Storytellers

Well done to the Challenge Wednesday Bookish group who visited Shanklea Primary School to share their favourite picture books with the y1 classes. They really brought the stories to life and developed some excellent activities. Staff at Shanklea were so impressed they want our storytellers to visit every half term!!

Life as a Lawyer

Four of our 6th Formers (E Minnikin, D Bowe, B Lambert and S Storey) went to Eversheds Solicitors in Newcastle on Tuesday 17th March to work with solicitors on scenarios in employment and shipping law. They looked at routes into becoming a lawyer and this experience got them thinking about how as lawyers they would… Read more »

Duke of Edinburgh Day Walk

The year 12 bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award students hit the hills surrounding St Cuthbert`s Cave on Saturday morning. They demonstrated some great navigation skills alongside a fantastic team ethos which makes us very confident in their skills moving forward to their practise expedition. Well done!