Tag: Cramlington Learning Village

Student looks through glass- part of video the students produced

Students collaborate with local dance artist to highlight self esteem issues faced by young people

A huge well done to the incredibly talented Year 11 students who took part in an external project with a local dance artist Lizzie Klotz.  The group of students put together some amazing dance and movement work based on self-esteem, body image and pack mentality. Lizzie is using this for promotional material and it will… Read more »

Year 7 Settling In Day

Year 7 parents are invited to our settling in day on Friday 27th January from 9am-3pm.  The day gives parents the opportunity to meet their child’s Learning Guide, discuss progress and look at their child’s workbook. Parents will have received an email/letter regarding booking a place. If you have not yet booked a place please… Read more »