Our Safeguarding Team
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is:
Ms H Teasdale, Assistant Head Teacher
Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are:
- Mrs D Betham, Senior Pastoral Coordinator
- Mrs L Marshall, Senior Pastoral Coordinator
- Mrs A Spirit, Pastoral Coordinator
- Mrs G Cole, Pastoral Coordinator
- Miss K Wright, Pastoral Coordinator
- Mrs L Waterston, Pastoral Coordinator
- Ms K Knox, Sixth Form Learning Manager
Reporting a Safeguarding Concern
To report a concern, please contact the CLV safeguarding team on:
safeguarding@cramlingtonlv.co.uk or 01670 712311
Please note, if a child is in danger of IMMEDIATE HARM, please call the police on 999.
If you have an urgent safeguarding issue please contact:
Northumberland Children’s Services: 01670 536400
North Tyneside Children’s Services: 0345 2000 109 (office hours) or 0330 333 7475 (evenings and weekends)
Newcastle Children’s Services: 0191 277 2500 (office hours) 0191 278 7878 (evenings and weekends)
If you have an urgent concern about the mental health of a child please contact:
NHS Crisis Team: 0303 123 1146
999 or go to your nearest hospital’s Accident & Emergency department
For support around thoughts of suicide call:
Hopeline: 0800 068 4141
Samaritans: 116 123
Text “Shout”: 85258