In line with the Gatsby Benchmarks of good practice in careers education, CLV has designed a careers programme which aims to encourage high aspirations, to challenge stereotypes and to allow students to interact and engage with employers from a range of industries.
By the end of key stage 3, students will have:
- Accessed and used information about career paths to inform their own decisions on study options.
- Received an interview with a senior member of staff regarding their GCSE subject choices and potential career plans.
- Participated in Year 9 futures day, interacting with a range of organisations and raising awareness of potential career paths and qualifications required.
- Experienced subject lessons where teachers highlight the relevance of their subjects for a wide range of future careers.
- Had multiple opportunities to learn from employers (wellbeing days, master classes, assemblies etc.).
By the end of key stage 4, students will have:
- Accessed and used labour market information to inform their own decisions on study options.
- Experienced subject lessons where teachers highlight the relevance of their subjects for a wide range of future careers.
- Had multiple opportunities to learn from employers (wellbeing days, master classes, assemblies etc.)
- Attended an options evening to discuss post-16 choices with CLV subject staff, or college/apprenticeship opportunities with our impartial professional careers adviser.
- Had opportunities for guidance interviews with our impartial professional careers adviser.
- Accessed advice at an individual interview with a senior member of staff, receiving guidance and support to help them firm up their choices post-16 and think about the implications.
- Chosen and applied for an appropriate opportunity post-16.
- Attended a futures fair to meet with a range of employers, apprenticeship providers, colleges and universities to help inform their decisions.
By the end of key stage 5, students will have:
- Received an introduction to accessible routes in to university through Newcastle Partners Programme and Durham Supported Progression.
- Accessed and used labour market information to inform their own decisions on study options, increasing knowledge of careers available at ages 18 and beyond
- Experienced subject lessons where teachers highlight the relevance of their subjects for a wide range of future careers
- Had multiple opportunities to learn from employers (wellbeing days, master classes, assemblies etc.)
- Had the opportunity to attend university open days to help inform their next steps if they are intending on going on to higher education.
- Had opportunities for guidance interviews with an impartial professional careers adviser if they are intending on going in to employment.
- Been supported through the decision making process regarding Higher or Further Education as well as alternative routes such as apprenticeships and employment after Year 13 through the Sixth Form Studies programme.
- Had the opportunity to take advantage of further work experience opportunities.
- Enhanced those personal and employability skills valued by employers through completing the ESH employability programme, interacting with 3 organisations.
- Participated in a community project, working with a variety of organisations and exploring career paths supporting the local community.
- Attended a futures fair to meet with a range of employers, apprenticeship providers, colleges and universities to help inform their decisions post-18.
Support With post-16 pathways
In addition to continuing their studies at CLV, there are a range of other opportunities that students can explore such as college courses, apprenticeships and alternative Sixth Forms. We have collated information for you to explore with them on a range of options, and you can access this here.
We are always looking to enhance our programme, so we welcome any feedback from parents regarding the activities on offer. If you would like to become involved on behalf of your employer with any aspect of our programme, please take a look at the “employer” section of this website for further information.
Impartial Careers Advice and Guidance
The school employs a qualified Careers Advisor from Career Wave who meets with every student in Year 10 or in Year 11, as part of a rolling programme. Students are able to gain individualised advice and guidance on their proposed courses and routes post 16. The Careers Advisor can also be seen by any student at any time by simply making an appointment via their learning guide. Each student is provided with a bespoke action plan, which is routinely updated after each meeting and recorded on FROG so that students can view this at any time.
The Careers Advisor can be emailed directly on
Enterprise Advisor Network
CLV is part of the Enterprise Advisor Network. We continue to ensure that we meet all 8 Gatsby benchmarks and use the Compass Tool to map our progress. We work closely with a local Enterprise Advisor from Draeger to ensure that our students are getting the best possible careers opportunities and are developing the skills that are in demand.
If you have any questions or feedback on the careers programme at CLV, please contact the Careers Leader, Craig Baxter, at