Mobile Devices

As an early adopter of 1:1 devices we have years of experience in this area.  Our school started out using Samsung Galaxy Tablets. You can find out more about our use of Galaxy Tablets by reading some of the many case studies which have been carried out of the school:

EUN Schoolsnet case study

If you are an educator looking for ideas on how to use Android tablets please feel free to use our Galaxy Tablet playlist here:
Galaxy tablet playlist


Following the successful use of Galaxy Tablets we then began looking for a device which could offer even more.  Our research led eventually to the Chromebook. For the past 3 years we have implemented a Chromebook 1:1 strategy which has taken our use of mobile devices even further.  The Chromebooks and associated Google Apps for Education are an integral part of how we use technology at the school.

Of course while the chromebooks themselves are fantastic it’s the use of Google Apps for Education which really drives their use.  For any teachers wanting ideas on how to use Google Apps for Education please feel free to see our video playlist.

Google Apps for Education playlist

You can find out what our students think of their chromebooks here.

Chromebooks – initial student reaction

If you are an educator and wish to find out more about any aspect of E-Learning, including how we finance our mobile device scheme; please feel free to contact Phil Spoors.

email phil spoors