Statutory Information


You can find out about our admissions procedure on our Admissions page.

Careers Information

You can view our careers policy here and further information about our careers programme can be found here.


If you have a complaint please view our Procedure on the Handling of Concerns and Complaints, listed on our policies page.

Contact Information

You can find our contact information including information on how to obtain a paper copy of this site on our Contact Us page.

Covid-19 Catch-up Premium

You can view our covid-19 catch-up premium information here.


Our curriculum section lists our current curriculum, our GCSE options and our sixth form prospectus.


Our Ethos and School Values are found in the About Us section of this site.

Equality Statement

Our Equality Statement is listed on our policies page.

Examination Results

You can access our current exam results and links to the Ofsted data dashboard on our Latest Exam Results page.

Governance & Finance

You can find out about our Governors on our Governors page and our Annual reports and accounts can be found on our Academy Finances page.

Ofsted Report

You can access our Ofsted report and links to the Ofsted website on our Ofsted page. You can also access Ofsted’s Parent View.

Remote Education

You can read about our remote learning provision here.


Our published policies are listed on our policies page.

Pupil Premium

Our Pupil Premium information can be found on our Pupil Premium page.

School Performance Table

You can see the schools performance using the DFE performance tables website.


Our SEND provision can be found in our SEND Information Report. The Local Offer can be found through Northumberland County Council’s Local Offer pages.