Maths Feast

Four students from year 10 – A Scott, A Hanson, A Shewry, H Ricalton took part in a Year 10 Maths Feast competition at Northumbria University last Wednesday. They came 6th out of 21 schools in the North East. (see below) The competition involved 6 rounds of maths questions including a round where they had… Read more »

Solar Eclipse

Staff and students gathered outside Cramlington Learning Village with the hope of seeing the Solar Eclipse. Armed with pinhole cameras, special dark glasses and adapted telescopes they waited patiently and, despite the cloudy skies, they did get a great view of this amazing event.

Everybody cut Footloose!

This year the Music & Theatre Productions (MTP) team decided to tackle one of the toughest musicals yet and took a neon-driven journey back to the 80’s for their own rendition of the hit musical Footloose!  From some incredible group songs; that got the audience bopping in their seats, to the heartfelt songs; delivering realisation… Read more »

CLV Elearning Champions!

We are pleased to announce that our school has been awarded as Regional E-Learning Champion.  This award recognises the work we do with technology and takes into account our online provision, VLE offering, use of Google Apps for Education and our 1:1 initiatives.  The award also places us in a position to offer our expertise… Read more »