Ellie with Badminton player Nathan Robertson

Ellie is recognised for her volunteering work at the National Badminton Awards

Cramlington sixth former Ellie Roberts, was one of only three people shortlisted for ‘Volunteer of the Year’ at the National Badminton Awards which took place earlier this month. Ellie was nominated by the Northumberland County Badminton Association for her volunteering and coaching work she has undertaken over the last 2 years. Every Friday and Sunday… Read more »

CLV students visit Google

Some of our students recently had the amazing opportunity to visit Google Offices in London. The winners of our ‘Make a Difference’ project from year 8 last year got to present their idea to a team at Google. Our digital leaders also had the chance to present the work that they do on a weekly… Read more »

Student looks through glass- part of video the students produced

Students collaborate with local dance artist to highlight self esteem issues faced by young people

A huge well done to the incredibly talented Year 11 students who took part in an external project with a local dance artist Lizzie Klotz.  The group of students put together some amazing dance and movement work based on self-esteem, body image and pack mentality. Lizzie is using this for promotional material and it will… Read more »

Year 7 Settling In Day

Year 7 parents are invited to our settling in day on Friday 27th January from 9am-3pm.  The day gives parents the opportunity to meet their child’s Learning Guide, discuss progress and look at their child’s workbook. Parents will have received an email/letter regarding booking a place. If you have not yet booked a place please… Read more »

Football – Year 8 boys continue to impress

The Year 8 Boys’ football teams have enjoyed an excellent first half of the season. The `A` team are unbeaten in the league thanks to victories over Whytrig Middle School, Blyth Academy and Seaton Sluice Middle School. In the County Cup the team have progressed to the quarter-finals thanks to a 2-0 win over Newminster… Read more »

Girls excel in indoor rowing competition

Well done to four students,  Jemima, Jade, Elena and Kimberley, who took part in the Northumberland School Games Indoor Rowing competition last Friday afternoon. They worked really hard in their events with some promising performances, but special congratulations got to Jemima who finished in 2nd place in her age category and qualified for the next… Read more »