
We believe a uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to our ethos and culture and sets an appropriate tone. It can also instil pride, support positive behaviour and discipline, ensure pupils of all backgrounds feel welcome, protect children from social pressures to dress in a particular way, and promote good relations between different groups of pupils. Above all, we believe that school uniform supports effective teaching and learning.

Buying uniform

If you are unsure as to what clothing to buy your child we have created an online site that gives examples of our acceptable uniform and provides links to suppliers’ websites.

CLV Uniform site

You can purchase uniform and PE kit from emblematic.

Visit the emblematic website

CLV Uniform

Students wearing CLV Uniform

Students wearing CLV Uniform


  • Plain white shirt with collar. Shirt must be tucked in at all times.
  • Black round neck jumper.
  • Full-length black trousers (No black jeans, no leggings/jeggings/treggings, no press studs on pockets, no tight trousers) OR
  • Black knee-length skirt. Mini-skirts are not allowed.
  • Formal black school shoe or ankle boot.

We do not allow

  • Trainers – If your child has a medical condition that requires a certain type of shoe please consult with the Learning Manager who will advise you BEFORE you purchase the footwear.
  • Jewellery – In the JLV, with the exception of a watch, no jewellery is allowed. In the SLV/ALV, jewellery is allowed but must be discreet and safe. One pair of small earrings, a watch, one signet ring per hand is allowed. Nail varnish and false nails are not allowed across the school.
  • Denim/Leather Jackets.
  • Facial piercing of any kind is not allowed, this includes no tongue piercing.
  • Makeup is NOT allowed in the JLV, students wearing make-up including nail varnish will be asked to remove it – this includes false nails. In the SLV make-up must be ‘light’. Students wearing excess makeup will be asked to remove it.
  • Extreme haircuts and hairstyles are not allowed. Hair should not be dyed bright colours and, for health and safety reasons, long hair must be tied back for practical subjects. Hairstyles incorporating shapes/patterns (e.g tramlines) and closely shaved heads are not allowed.
  • Expensive items of outdoor wear are not recommended as they present a security risk.

In order to protect books from damage, all students should have a suitably sized school bag. They also need to bring their own pencil case to school with all the equipment they need in lessons (including a calculator).

PE Kit

Students in PE Kit with optional school logo

Students in PE kit with optional school logo

Students must change into correct PE kit for all PE lessons:

  • Plain red t-shirt
  • Plain black shorts, black tracksuit bottoms or black leggings
  • Plain sweatshirt/hoody (optional but recommended for outdoors)
  • White, black or red socks – ankle length or football-style
  • Trainers

You may choose to purchase some items from our PE kit supplier (t-shirt and hoody with school logo).

Safety in PE

All jewellery and watches must be removed for PE. Facial piercings of any kind are not allowed in school and piercings anywhere present an injury risk during PE lessons, so are not allowed when participating. We also advise the wearing of shin pads for football.

What happens if a student forgets their PE kit?

We require all students to participate in PE and to wear the correct PE kit to every lesson.

In the event of an injury, that prevents full and active participation, we operate a ‘no notes policy’. This means that the student explains to the teacher what the problem is and to what extent they can be involved in the lesson i.e. planning, refereeing or even limited physical activity depending upon the nature of the injury. When this is the case, students are still required to wear the correct PE kit – more details can be found here.


All students are expected to come equipped with their own pen, pencil, ruler etc. Students carry all of their equipment with them so should have a suitably sized school bag (large enough to hold an A4 file).

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones interrupt lessons and learning. Mobile phones are not allowed and will be confiscated if used during school hours. If a student brings a mobile phone it must be switched off and placed in their school bag. If contact with home is required, students should do this via student services or reception.