PSHE & Wellbeing

Our Vision

Public Health England’s Evidence shows a link between student’s health and wellbeing and attainment. The 2014 briefing shows that students with better health and wellbeing are likely to achieve better academically and are more likely to have effective social-emotional competencies.

An effective PSHE and RSE programme can help to reduce barriers to learning, raise aspirations, and improve outcomes for students. Furthermore it is a crucial part of effective safeguarding.

“promoting physical and mental health in schools creates a virtuous circle reinforcing children’s attainment and achievement that in turn improves their wellbeing, enabling children to thrive and achieve their full potential.” Chief Medical Officer’s annual report 2012: Our Children Deserve Better: Prevention Pays)

Our vision is to provide a supportive learning environment which promotes student’s social-emotional development, prevents development of mental health challenges, and addresses social-emotional problems that currently exist.

We will do this by supporting staff training and wellbeing; by implementing effective strategies to children, families, and staff; by facilitating mental health services for students who need them; and by continuing to develop ways that enable staff and students to gain a greater positive health and wellbeing in order to benefit their every day life and lead to their better academic achievement.

Cramlington Learning Village will adopt a whole school approach to emotional and mental well-being that joins together, parents, students and staff in an open door policy so that all feel empowered to talk about emotional and mental well-being.

Cramlington Learning Village takes a proactive approach to protecting and promoting positive mental and emotional well-being through health promotion and support available in our school. We embed positive emotional health throughout our curriculum ensuring that support structures are in place through a strong pastoral team. Students with SEND are supported throughout their time at Cramlington Learning Village as designated staff work with these students to provide comprehensive support.

Our curriculum

Cramlington Learning Village’s PSHE and RSE curriculum is a planned programme of learning which helps students to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. From making responsible decisions about alcohol to succeeding in their first job, PSHE helps pupils to manage many of the most critical opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face growing up. We believe that students should be given opportunities to co-construct our PSHE and RSE programme in order for the activities and topics to be more engaging and student friendly. We also welcome a partnership between home and school which helps support your child’s personal and social development, and helps deal with issues of increasing complexity such as those related to mental health and staying safe, both online and offline.

Student Smiling

Our PSHE curriculum is divided between a tutorial session around every two weeks and five well-being days throughout the year. The PSHE program ensures that all students are given the opportunity to learn about the importance of each of these topics and develop skills and attributes which are shown to increase academic attainment as well as improve employability and boost social mobility.

View our current PHSE Programme


The year 7 programme is designed to support the transition into Key Stage 3 and to help your child settle into life at Cramlington Learning Village.

Throughout the year, students learn about valuing difference, respect for self, respect for the rights and dignity of all persons, and respect for the environment around them.

The programme also looks at keeping safe and the safeguarding of young people. This includes sessions around mental health, online safety. Year 7 are also involved in sessions around growing up and puberty. This is a time when young people come under new pressures and changes. Therefore we ensure that all students understand the changes occurring and provide information and approaches to help them deal with them in a sensitive way.

The year 8 programme builds on the knowledge students have gained in year 7 and looks at topics such as peer pressure, discrimination, relationships, sex, healthy behaviours, emotional health and personal safety. Sex education is approached within a broader base of self-esteem and responsibility for the consequences of one’s actions along with an introduction to the importance of staying safe in intimate relationships. This will support your child to respect themselves and others, and understand difference. Students learn about the significance of stable relationships as key building blocks of community and society.

Throughout years 7 and 8 there is a clear focus on anti-bullying so that students feel confident to deal with and report issues as well as develop healthy relationships with their peers.

The year 9 PSHE programme recognises that students are moving from the Junior Learning Village to the Senior Learning Village therefore support is given to help them make a smooth transition.

Year 9 well-being days focus on topics such as relationships and sex, impact of the media, drugs and the law. The topics covered help students to recognise when they and others are at risk and equips them with the skills, strategies and language they need to take appropriate action.


At Key Stage 4, students extend and rehearse the skills, further explore attitudes and values, and deepen knowledge and understanding acquired during Key Stage 3. The programme reflects the fact that learners are moving towards an independent role in adult life, taking on greater responsibility for themselves and others.

Well-being days focus on healthy relationships and healthy behaviour in relationships, the impact of alcohol and drugs on relationships and the importance of self-care. Students will know more about early warning signs of poor health and how they can become the experts of their own body and the need to speak to health professionals about any concerns.

Students are given revision planning materials in the second half term of year 11 and PSHE sessions are based around how to use these effectively. Revision support sessions are completed during well-being days and sessions around positive mental health are a priority for supporting their academic achievement.


By the end of key stage 5, many young people will leave home for the first time and live independently. Therefore our Keystage 5 programme prepares students to manage their current lives and helps them lay the foundations for managing future experiences. The Sixth Form PSHE Programme also includes Awareness Days where students carousel around a range of workshops which recognise the ways in which we are all unique but have an equally important part to play in our school and wider community. These workshops focus on:

  • Accentism
  • Poverty
  • Mental Health
  • LGBTQ+
  • Bullying vs banter which includes our “no bystander” pledge.