Year 9 Options Evening – Tuesday 4th March

We are pleased to be able to welcome you into school for the Year 9 Options Evening on Tuesday 4th March. Next week we will be talking to students about their aspirations and the subjects they enjoy. We want to ensure that they have the right information to be able to make well informed choices in preparation for September.

The evening includes a presentation in Inspire Café to introduce the options process and in our Learning Plaza we have subject stalls with teachers and students available to discuss Key Stage 4 courses we have on offer and to answer any questions.

The timings of the evening will be split by population:

  • North Parents – presentation in Inspire Café at 5.30pm followed by Learning Plaza.
  • South ParentsLearning Plaza at 5.30pm followed by presentation in Inspire Café at 6.15pm.

If you have any questions prior to the Options Evening on Tuesday 4th March, please contact Mr C. Horner, Head of Year 9 at or Mr P. Steanson, Assistant Headteacher at

We look forward to seeing as many parents/carers and students at our Year 9 Options Evening in March.