Our work to create a school which embraces diversity, promotes inclusion and reduces instances of bullying continues throughout anti-bullying week in November.
Every September all pupils across the Junior, Senior and Advanced Learning Villages sign our pledge to stand up to bullying. Pupils sign their names on a poster which hangs in every classroom to illustrate their commitment to not stand by and watch or hear bullying behaviours but to stop it, report it or support the people involved. You can find out more about the #Nobystanders pledge here.
In January of this year 10 young people from years 7-9 took part in an inspirational training event from the Diana Award to become trained anti-bullying ambassadors. Part of their role in school is to promote the key messages about anti-bullying to pupils and to work with staff at school to consider how we create a culture of respect and tolerance where pupils feel safe. Their enthusiasm and commitment has been wonderful. They have introduced themselves to pupils in school using a poster which hangs in every room so that students know there is someone they can approach alongside parents and staff.
They have also created a video which will be shown during anti-bullying week to help pupils understand their definition of bullying and promote awareness of the differences between ‘banter’ and bullying.
Throughout the week there are assemblies, competitions and lessons in Home Group time as well as our Thought for Day across the school intercom system. This ongoing work is strengthened in Well Being Day 2 on 4th December 2020. On this day:
- Pupils in Year 7 and 8 focus on e-safety and cyber bullying to ensure that they are keeping themselves safe online.
- Pupils in Year 9 focus on crime and punishment including racism and racist bullying.
- Year 10 are focused on the impacts of alcohol on mental health and relationships.
Throughout all of this work our intentions are to ensure that:
- Pupils know the different types of bullying including cyber bullying.
- Pupils understand the difference between bullying and ‘fall outs’.
- Pupils are confident to report bullying and know who to turn to.
- Pupils know the impact and consequences of bullying including rules and sanctions.
- Pupils understand their contribution to creating positive relationships and positive behaviours.
- We as a school understand the attitudes and experiences of pupils through student voice and surveys