Cramlington Learning Village has been awarded the ISM / ISM Trust’s Bronze Certificate. This means that more than 10% of all the school’s GCSE students achieved an A* to C in GCSE music.
Deborah Annetts, Chief Executive of the ISM – the professional body for musicians – congratulated the school, saying:
‘We are delighted to recognise Cramlington’s achievement in music and celebrate the commitment to music education shown by the school in their high uptake and high achievement of pupils’.
‘Music is a valuable subject, it brings value in itself to pupils as well as supporting achievement in other subjects. Music also opens doors and generates educational opportunities for pupils from all backgrounds. We are delighted that Cramlington values music within their school curriculum and as the professional body for musicians and a subject association for music education, we are delighted to recognise this high level of achievement with this certificate.’
The certificate is awarded by the Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM) and the ISM Trust (
The Incorporated Society of Musicians is the UK’s fastest growing professional body for musicians and a nationally recognised subject association for music. We were set up in 1882 to promote the art of music and to protect the interests of all musicians. Today we support nearly 8,000 members with unrivalled services and expert advice, from study up until retirement.
The ISM Trust, the Incorporated Society of Musicians’ (ISM) sister charity, was created in 2014 to advance education, the arts and to promote health.
The primary focus of the Trust is to deliver high quality professional development by leading practitioners from the ISM and also in partnership with other organisations.
The ISM Trust is dedicated to creating pioneering resources to support music and all those who work in the sector inducing music educators, performers, and composers and delivers its work through webinars, regional seminars, training events and advice packs.