Google Education is hitting the road and touring 6 ‘lighthouse’ schools in the UK. Cramlington Learning Village are delighted to have been chosen as one of those 6 schools.
Google will bring their pop up classroom to CLV on the 14th and 15th May.
Day 1 will be an open day including presentations by Google and on our own school’s journey. There will be the chance to see GAFE in action live in classrooms and to question a panel of staff and students.
There are 50 places available in the morning and a further 50 in the afternoon. you can sign up for the event here –
Who should attend?
Anyone with an interest in education technology who uses, or is considering, Google apps for education.
For our students and staff we are delighted that Google Bring with them Fran Scott’s exciting stage show #Error404 to teach us all more about computer science. Watch out for bangs and explosions though! They also bring a CPD event along for our own staff.